Today is 2 April which is celebrated as WORLD AUTISM  AWARENESS DAY.

Why is this day celebrated and what homoeopathy has to do with it?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is commonly known as Autism. According to the Autism Society of America, “Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting, development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills.

There are 3 areas of development affected viz.

1. social interaction, expressing their emotions.

2. communication, and

3. imagination.

which can be seen in their repetitive behaviour and restricted leisure and play.

This is referred to as the triad of impairments.

How common is autism in India?

In India, like in many other countries around the world, autism is increasingly recognized and diagnosed. However, awareness and understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in India are still evolving, and various factors contribute to the prevalence and visibility of autism in the country. Healthcare professionals are beginning to understand that some people who were diagnosed with mental retardation, hyperactivity, or labelled badly behaved children may actually have autism.

What is the cause of autism?

The causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are complex and multifaceted, involving a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors.

What are the early signs of autism?

  1. Lack of or limited eye contact: Babies typically begin making eye contact within the first few months of life. Limited or lack of eye contact, especially during interactions such as feeding or playing, could be an early sign of autism.
  2. Limited social smiling: Babies typically start smiling socially by around 2 to 3 months of age.
  3. Delayed or absent babbling: Babbling is a precursor to speech development, and babies typically begin babbling around 6 to 9 months of age. A delay in babbling or the absence of it altogether could be a red flag.
  4. Limited gestures: Gestures such as pointing, waving, or reaching to be picked up are important social communication skills that typically develop in the first year of life. A lack of these gestures or delayed development of them may indicate autism.
  5. Limited response to name: By around 9 to 12 months of age, most babies will respond to their name being called. If a child consistently fails to respond to their name, it could be a sign of autism.
  6. Repetitive behaviors: Some repetitive behaviors, such as hand-flapping, rocking, or spinning objects, may be present in infancy or early childhood and could be early signs of autism.
  7. Difficulty with social interactions: Babies and toddlers with autism may show less interest in social interactions or may not engage in typical back-and-forth interactions such as baby talk, smiling, or imitating facial expressions.
  8. Sensory sensitivities: Some children with autism may be overly sensitive or under-responsive to sensory stimuli such as lights, sounds, textures, or smells. These sensitivities may manifest early on as discomfort or distress in certain environments.

It’s essential to remember that every child develops at their own pace, and some developmental variations are typical. However, if you notice persistent delays or concerns about your child’s development, it’s important to discuss them with your paediatrician.


The study found that homoeopathic treatment does improve autism as a whole and it is a very big accomplishment and proves the efficacy of the treatment process. Psychological assessment evaluation observed significant improvement in social and cognitive skills and also showed much reduction of hyperactivity functions and sleep disorders in autistic children.

Homoeopathic therapeutic regimen could bring profound control and better coordination in the bowel and bladder. We can see changes in eating, drinking and other activities of daily routine. Their communication, social interactions as well as imaginative capacities are being improved. Also, frequent immunological and allergic reactions which were observed in autistic children before and during the study showed a very high rate of protection and very less reactions to allergens.









Autoimmune diseases are complex conditions in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues in the body. Conventional treatments often focus on suppressing the immune response or managing symptoms, but homoeopathy offers a different approach.

Once considered rare, today autoimmune disease has become the highest prevailing disease in India. I am surprised to see the rates of increasing cases in all age groups both in men and women. Global data during the recent Covid-19 pandemic shows there were clear sex-related differences and outcomes with the predominance of women affecting more than men. The risk of autoimmune diseases prevalence in India to post covid patients is increasing.

What are autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune as the word itself says the body’s own immune system mistakes its own organ and tissues as a foreign and starts producing antibodies towards its own cells. It affects one or more than one organ of the body. Like our watchman who is to protect us, he himself attacks us. Something has gone absurd in our immune system.

Examples of common autoimmune diseases are.

  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Type I diabetes.
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • Pernicious anemia.
  • Reactive arthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Sjögren syndrome.
  • Hashimotis thyroiditis.
  • Psoriasis.


The exact cause is unknown but some factors which can be contributing are genetic, environmental, chemical factors.

1. Genetic: certain genes are found to be associated with an increased risk of autoimmune diseases.

2. Environmental factors such infections, toxins, and chemicals may trigger.

  1. virus : COVID 19 , Epstein bar virus, hepatitis c, has been linked to the development of autoimmune diseases.
  2. Exposure to certain chemicals, such as solvents, pesticides, and industrial pollutants.

3. Hormonal factors: Women are more susceptible to autoimmune diseases, suggesting a hormonal influence. Fluctuations in hormone levels during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

4. Dysregulation of the immune system: As the immune system has issues in recognizing “self ” from “non self”. Erractic response is seen in system of various immunological abnormalities like abnormal T cell function and B cell dysfunction can also be the reason.

5. Gut health and microbiome imbalance are crucial in immune regulation.

6. Stress and psychological factors: It plays a crucial role in the exciting and trigger immunity. chronic stress, trauma and emotional factors can potentially trigger and exaggerate autoimmune diseases.


  • Chronic and persistent symptoms: when you have complaints such as fatigue, joint pain, muscle weakness, skin rashes, gastrointestinal issues, or unexplained fever for quite a long time.
  • EARLY ONSET OF COMPLAINTS:Like person of 20-30 years age having above mentioned complaints, when do not expect.
  • Family history of any autoimmune disorders.
  • Multiple systems involved: Multiple organs or systems involved such as joint pain along with skin rashes or gastrointestinal problems, unusual swelling of the joints along with weight loss, eye complaints with skin rashes. Reports show changes in urine, signs of infection along with skin complaints, low blood sugar.
  • POST COVID SYNDROME: Those who have suffered with COVID or had minimal symptoms or none at all have an onset of sudden above-mentioned complaints like breathlessness, weakness, hair fall, skin changes, and joint complaints.
  • Failed treatment attempts: Even continued specific treatment for a particular symptom shows no improvement or complaints become worse.


  1. Medical History: The first step is information about symptoms, their duration, and any family history of autoimmune diseases.
  2. Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination is conducted to look for signs and symptoms that may indicate an autoimmune disorder. This can include examining the joints, skin, organs, and other affected areas.
  3. Blood Tests: Blood tests are commonly used to measure certain antibodies and other markers that can indicate the presence of an autoimmune disease. These tests may include antinuclear antibodies (ANA), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), rheumatoid factor (RF), and specific antibodies related to different autoimmune conditions.
  4. Imaging Tests: In some cases, imaging tests such as X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI may be used to assess the extent of organ damage or inflammation.
  5. Biopsy: A biopsy involves taking a small sample of affected tissue, such as the skin, kidney, or joint, for examination under a microscope. This can help confirm the presence of autoimmune-related changes in the tissue.

The prognosis of autoimmune diseases varies widely depending on

  • the specific condition, its severity. Certain autoimmune diseases can be chronic and progressive, leading to long-term disability and a decreased quality of life.
  • the individual’s response to treatment.

Some autoimmune diseases can be managed effectively with medications, lifestyle modifications, and ongoing medical care, allowing individuals to lead relatively normal lives.

Autoimmune diseases are difficult to cure but can be managed well. Early diagnosis, proper treatment are key for managing autoimmune diseases. This point is very important to understand that compliance of the patient with the physician is very important for better outcome.


  • based on the principle of “like cures like” and individualization.
  • treatment based on the physical. mental and emotional details of the individual.
  • The main importance is given to the body self-defence mechanism. It is stimulated to give rise to healthy mind and body.
  • constitutional treatment is based on the detailed case taking and evaluation of physical and mental symptoms.
  • Homoeopathic medicine not only addresses the underlying imbalances of health and promotes long-term healing.

Homoeopathy as a complementary medicine:

  • homoeopathy can also be given alongside with conventional medicine.
  • medicine also helps in reducing pain and symptoms and reduce the side effects of the medicine.
  • In such cases, an integrated approach with the homoeopath and other health care professionals is helpful.

Case studies:

A 55-year lady suffering from Rhuematoid arthritis since 2 years undergoing conventional treatment had complaints of stiffness while getting up from bed in the morning, and difficulty in folding her hands and holding things. She also had complaints of difficulty in sleep and walking and severe pain in the legs. Her complaints started and increased after menopause.

After detailed case-taking and treatment on the basis of mental and physical details, the constitutional remedy was prescribed. She has difficulty in sleep too which also improved in the first follow-up along with stiffness in the morning. She could walk better than before in a month s time. her need to take painkillers was reduced. she could fold her left hand. She was advised to take heat and cold fomentations as required. She has remissions of pain in her hands when she exerts and the weather changes but the intensity has decreased.


Coping with an autoimmune disease can be challenging, but there are strategies and lifestyle adjustments that can help improve your quality of life. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Educate Yourself: Learn as much as you can about your specific autoimmune disease. Understand its symptoms, triggers, treatment options, and possible complications. Being knowledgeable empowers you to make informed decisions about your health.
  2. Communicate with your doctor and follow Your Treatment Plan: Consistently adhere to the treatment as prescribed . This may include medications, physical therapy, dietary changes, or other interventions. Be proactive in managing your health and inform your doctor of any side effects or concerns.
  3. Prioritize Self-Care: Focus on self-care activities that promote physical and emotional well-being. Get adequate sleep, eat a balanced diet, engage in regular exercise.
  4. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s signals and pacing. Pace yourself and avoid pushing beyond your limits. Rest when needed and make modifications to your daily routine or activities to accommodate your energy levels and symptoms.
  5. Manage Stress: Stress can exacerbate autoimmune disease symptoms. Explore stress-management techniques such as mindfulness, journaling, engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, or seeking professional help if needed.
  6. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Although there’s no universal autoimmune disease diet, some individuals find relief by adopting specific dietary modifications.
  7. Find Gentle Exercise: Regular physical activity can improve overall well-being, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms. Choose exercises that suit your abilities and energy levels, such as walking, swimming, yoga, or tai chi.
  8. Be Kind to Yourself and Build a Support System: Remember that living with an autoimmune disease can have ups and downs. Be patient and compassionate with yourself. Seek support from friends, family, and support groups. Share your experiences, concerns, and triumphs with others who understand what you’re going through. Online communities can also be valuable resources for connecting with individuals facing similar challenges.

Image courtesy:Freepik


Many skin diseases are treated with homeopathy but this is different. This case is of profuse perspiration in palms and soles, it is called HYPERHIDROSIS.


Sweating is a normal physiological process. Humidity and summer cause sweating. Yes, it’s necessary to sweat. Sweating cools the body, which prevents us from overheating. Underarm problems tend to start in late adolescence, while palm and sole sweating often begins earlier, around age 13 (on average).

Most often, they sweat on their palms, feet, underarms, or head. While the rest of the body remains dry, one or two areas may cause dripping.


Excessive sweating happens when a person sweats more than is necessary. People who have hyperhidrosis, however, sweat when the body does not need cooling. Untreated, these problems may continue throughout life.


  1. PRIMARY: Uusally inherited and worsens with puberty, especially in women.
  2. SECONDARY: It occurs due to medical conditions like menopause, neurologic syndromes, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, gout.


A case of 18 years old boy who came with a complaint of profuse perspiration of his palms and soles, literally you can see the sweat drops in his hands being dropped on the floor. He was very much in despair as it interfered with his studies and work. The architect student was not able to draw his assignments!! He would avoid shaking hands so that they don’t become the central topic of discussion among them. He was not only embarrassed by their sweat, but it also has an impact on his social and career life.

His sweat would increase whenever in stress, exam and in situations of public speech or debate. He was irritable when and quiet in nature. He use to get easily anxious. After his detail study of behaviour, mind and body functions. He was successfully treated with homoeopathy within few months.

Before treatment
After treatment


  • Relax yourself , calm down and destress himself with anapana meditation.
  • wear cotton and breatheable fabrics.
  • use antibacterial soaps.
  • avoid spicy food.


How many of us have the trouble of skin in winters? The worst season for skin is winter. your skin losses its normal moisture due to dry air. Dryness, itching, scaling, and cracks all come one after another. Hence, we all see more eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff during this time.

Some DO and DON’TS for skin care to keep skin hydrated and healthy.


  • Regular use of mild soap and detergents which are skin friendly.
  • Get a gentle cleanser that is weakly acidic. (How to determine the acidic .. the more lather, high acidic ).
  • After bath use of the moisturizer is a must.
  • Even the lip care using lip balm or ghee available in our kitchen is the best.
  • Use of plain coconut oil for extra dry skin. It maintains skin hydration.


  1. Coconut oil.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Milk or buttermilk.
  4. Honey. It has healing, anti-inflammatory action along with moisturizing.
  5. Rosewater.
  6. Sunflower oil .
  7. Cucumber juice.
  8. ALOE VERA gel. Its use is invariable too good, Apply it on the hands, feet or even face and leave it overnight and cleanse in the morning with water. It reduces pigmentation, acne and smoothes the skin.

Diet to follow:

  •  DRINK LOT OF WATER. Hydrate yourself with various juices.
  • Fruits which are available during the season like banana, papaya, oranges.
  •  Drink milk. It provides the proteins found naturally which help boost the elasticity of our skin so we get fewer wrinkles, and they develop slower. Milk also contains retinol (an antioxidant) and vitamin D which can help protect our skin from damaging sun rays.


  • Avoid using very hot water for bathing instead prefer warm. though it feels nice to bathe with hot but it harms skin.
  • Do not exfoliate the skin more. Exfoliating your skin once a week is advisable as it helps in boosting skin regeneration and better product absorption.
  • Do not forget using sunscreen and gloves and a scarf as the cool air outside damages the skin along with UV radiation.
  • don’t scratch the skin too much or rub with a towel.
  • avoid frequent contact with detergents.


If environmental factors or aging is not the reason for skin complaints.

If you have used home remedies and above mentioned tips are of little use.

There are some underlying skin diseases like ezcema, psoriasis, which flare up and needs medical attention. Excessive dry skin leads to cracks, itching, redness, bleeding, rashes or hives. Some of the homoeopathic remedies administered according to the patient’s constitution helps in alleviating the complaints to great extent.