Many skin diseases are treated with homeopathy but this is different. This case is of profuse perspiration in palms and soles, it is called HYPERHIDROSIS.


Sweating is a normal physiological process. Humidity and summer cause sweating. Yes, it’s necessary to sweat. Sweating cools the body, which prevents us from overheating. Underarm problems tend to start in late adolescence, while palm and sole sweating often begins earlier, around age 13 (on average).

Most often, they sweat on their palms, feet, underarms, or head. While the rest of the body remains dry, one or two areas may cause dripping.


Excessive sweating happens when a person sweats more than is necessary. People who have hyperhidrosis, however, sweat when the body does not need cooling. Untreated, these problems may continue throughout life.


  1. PRIMARY: Uusally inherited and worsens with puberty, especially in women.
  2. SECONDARY: It occurs due to medical conditions like menopause, neurologic syndromes, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, gout.


A case of 18 years old boy who came with a complaint of profuse perspiration of his palms and soles, literally you can see the sweat drops in his hands being dropped on the floor. He was very much in despair as it interfered with his studies and work. The architect student was not able to draw his assignments!! He would avoid shaking hands so that they don’t become the central topic of discussion among them. He was not only embarrassed by their sweat, but it also has an impact on his social and career life.

His sweat would increase whenever in stress, exam and in situations of public speech or debate. He was irritable when and quiet in nature. He use to get easily anxious. After his detail study of behaviour, mind and body functions. He was successfully treated with homoeopathy within few months.

Before treatment
After treatment


  • Relax yourself , calm down and destress himself with anapana meditation.
  • wear cotton and breatheable fabrics.
  • use antibacterial soaps.
  • avoid spicy food.


YES, You will be thinking ALLERGY BYE BYE!! Is it possible?

In my last post about allergy. https://drsunayana.com/blog/do-you-have-allergy/ . We have got a brief idea about causes, symptoms, types, diagnosis, prevention as well anaphylaxis.


Case 1:

A gentleman in his 30s came to me diagnosed with allergic rhinitis. He had sneezing, watering from eyes, nose. He had nose block and had to take nasal drops. He was said to have deviated nasal septum (bony and cartilage of nose being crooked). He was advised to undergo allergen tests for food allergies and also seasonal allergies. He has stopped eating milk, milk products like cheese, paneer. He did as instructed but was not much relieved and complaints troubled him daily for almost 3-4 years. He was also affected by seasonal allergies especially in winters. He had continuous sneezing…AS IF SOMETHING WILL BLOW…REMAINS 10-15 MINS. Sensation as if eyes pulled, pain on opening eyes once and dryness of eyes.

The homoeopathic treatment cured him and removed all his complaints. It started with better adaption to change of weather, cold things, milk and milk products. His study and work life improved with homoeopathy treatment. To his surprise, he took paneer and milk products and was not affected the same way as HE USE TO BE. His sleep not only has improved but also his energy levels.

Case 2:

Case of 28-year-old lady with an allergy to detergents and soap with lots of itching of hands and legs. She has very sensitive skin and has to take anti-allergic medicines and steroids for local application. But she was not cured. She was not able to do daily activities due to itching. Parents were also worried due to all this. The whole case was taken with his nature and details about his habits of food, sleep, and perspiration. The homoeopathic medicine is chosen on the basis of totality of symptoms. Medicine selected by the individualization method and holistic approach completely cured of his allergy.


Homoeopathic medicine helps in the following ways:

  1.  optimize the overactive immune system.
  2. desensitize the individual of the allergen.
  3. helps in the best adaptation of the patient to the environment.
  4. susceptibility of the person changes.
  5. overreaction to the trigger factors reduces.




Ulman, 2010, Alternative Medicine Review, a Journal of clinical therapeutics,48-58
