Friends, today I will like to share the pleasure and pain of being a Homoepathic Mother…..
The pain started when he suffered with some kind of skin eruptions in his buttocks 15 days back with watery discharge . I gave him homoepathic medicine according to local symptoms but in vain . I went to fellow colleague but that too wasn’t helpful. Days went by but his skin eruptions could not come in control and started spreading all over the body. By now, I have missed his school and even Vedant was crying and got frustrated and everyone at home was on my head , stop homoepathic medicine and start with allopathic medicine.
Left with no other option now, I consulted dermatologist , he diagnosed it as fungal infection and gave Terbinafin, oral and local application.
But this was start of my another plight, he now started getting skin rash in the other parts of the body with itching …Thinking this as an allergic reaction, stopped with Terbinafin, started with Flucos now still rashes did not stop nor the skin eruptions dried ….Now I got more worried as why he is not getting cured..what is diagnosis …is he on the right track ? Is it the mental stress or some blunder of so called fast medicine??????
What to do? I thought definitely diagnosis is not correct and need to take second opinion of another dermatologist….he said it is NOT FUNGAL but Allergic contact dermatitis….which now spread to the whole body….We have to give him now STEROIDS. Alas, I have to give that only thing which I tried my best to avoid. A single dose of high doses steroid and moisturizer…. everything was like a MIRACLE….he was very happy and bubbling with joy and went to play.
Our happiness was short termed and on the next day evening ended up with RED WHOLE BODY and fever with pustular boil. Dermatologist said it is due boil that whole body has got erythema and gave a new list of antibiotics …..
It was now on last of my nerves,I decided to knock the door of Homoepathy again. I didn’t want to beat around the bush and fall prey to this vicious cycle. The holistic approach of Homoepathy by taking note of both MIND AND BODY helped this time. My homoepathic college friend sailed the boat out of storm and his general condition, fever, body rash , appetite all became much better within A DAY with few doses of well selected homoepathic medicine.
I am sure you all will be thinking that why she is writing her failure and telling us about it????
There is a reason to this. I know many of MOTHERS has gone through this sleepless nights and fall prey to this vicious cycle of allopathic medicine either knowingly or unknowingly. So it’s my earnest request to all that do think twice before going to Doctors. I was fortunate and wish to urge all to save our children from this , DARE TO BE WISE.

Homoepathy always works, no doubt. It takes time. And everything that takes time heals you and gives you a better result.
Thanks for valuable comments.
When you fail and try again the believe in pathy get stronger.
Yes Homoeopathy Works
This blog says exactly what happens with the mothers who trust homeopathic remedies and the families generally don’t support ( not every time) …. But bcoz I myself have been taking homeopathic medicine since childhood for every small or big issues… I completely trust on it and suggest to follow this bcoz firstly it doesn’t have any side effects nor does it require play with your body’s natural immune system… I just faced a similar situation 15 – 20 days ago and thanks to Dr Sunaina , she just cured it all though it took some time but that was I guess bcoz of a little increase in my blood sugar levels… Ty so much dear ??
This blog says exactly what happens with the mothers who trust homeopathic remedies and the families generally don’t support ( not every time) …. But bcoz I myself have been taking homeopathic medicine since childhood for every small or big issues… I completely trust on it and suggest to follow this bcoz firstly it doesn’t have any side effects nor does it play with your body’s natural immune system… I just faced a similar situation 15 – 20 days ago and thanks to Dr Sunaina , she just cured it all though it took some time but that was I guess bcoz of a little increase in my blood sugar levels… Ty so much dear ??
Now people are moving toward homeopathy rather then taking antibiotics as they are also well aware it cures through the roots.I had my pcos problem it was well cured byDrSunaina agrawal…and totally fit now..Homeopathy always works..
Thanks for trust in me and homoepathic medicine