Today. i.e. 21 December 2024., we are celebrating WORLD MEDITATION DAY.
Meditation has become a very loosely used word nowadays. Commonly people use it for various techniques.
- According to archaeologists, meditation dates back to 5,000 BCE, and the practice itself has ties in ancient Egypt and China, Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism.
- According to the Vedic scriptures, meditation’s true purpose was to connect to the inner self and realise life’s purpose AS A HUMAN BEING.
In the past, India had the distinction of being regarded as a World Teacher. In our time, the Ganges of Truth is once again flowing out from India to a thirsty world.
Anapana meditation is an invaluable technique from ancient India, which can help us to live a balanced and peaceful life in every situation.
Anapana means observation of natural, normal respiration, as it comes in and as it goes out. It is the first step in the practice of Vipassana. Anapana meditation is very different from techniques that are based on the artificial regulation of breath. There are no rites or rituals involved in the practice or presentation of Anapana.
This short Anapana session is an introductory session so that people can start taking initial steps in the practice of Vipassana.
- Effective tool to deal with fear, anxiety, stress, tension, nervousness
- Increased concentration of mind
- Improved awareness and alertness of the mind
- Memory becomes sharp
- Decision-making power improves
- Increased self-confidence
- Increased capacity to work
- Better ability to understand and express oneself
- Mastery over the mind
- Mind becomes healthy, wholesome and strong
- One becomes full of good wishes for others.
The technique of Vipassana is a simple, practical way to achieve real peace of mind and to lead a happy, useful life. Vipassana means “to see things as they really are”.It is a logical process of mental purification through self-observation.
The practice of Vipassana meditation involves following the principles of Dhamma/ Dharma, the universal law of nature. It involves walking on the noble eight fold path, which is broadly categorised into Sila (Morality), Samadhi (concentration) and Pañña (wisdom, insight).
Introductory Videos
For those who are not currently familiar with the ancient technique of Vipassana meditation, its non-sectarian nature and its benefits, video discourses of approximately 20 minutes in length are provided below.
What is Vipassana Meditation
Principal teacher Mr. S. N. Goenka explains what is Vipassana meditation and its various aspects
Vipassana Meditation: Science of Mind & Matter
In this discourse, Mr. S. N. Goenka explains Vipassana meditation as a science of mind and matter, its universal non-sectarian nature and its relevance to the society
Vipassana Meditation-An Art of Living
This video contains historical background of Vipassana meditation, course structure and experiences of students. It also contain discourses by Mr. Goenka explaining what is Vipassana meditation and his own life story followed by series of questions & answers
An experience, one should have atleast once in the lifetime.
Definately, it is must