World Homoeopathy Day is the BIRTHDAY OF our Master and Father of Homoeopathy, Dr Samuel Hahnemann. It is on 10 April of every year.

World Health Day is observed every year on April 7 to draw attention to a particular health topic that affects people all over the world.

This year’s theme is


What is Health?

According to WHO, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Homoeopathy dates back to the late 1700s, and today the World Health Organization recognizes it as “the second largest therapeutic system in use in the world.”

According to homoeopathy, health is considered mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Dr Kent, senior homoeopath says mind is prior to the body. Mind falls sick first then the body.

Dr Samuel Hahnemann in his Organon of Medicine,Aphorism 1 says,

“The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure as it is termed.

He is the person who has understood health in a holistic way and not only discovered Homoeopathy and showed the path to achieve health in a harmonious way.

How Homoeopathy is helping to give health for all?

As the whole world has experienced this devastating situation due to Covid pandemic, the means and ways to bridge this gap is aptly helped by Homoeopathy. Needless to say, the world has seen in last few years with the surge of covid cases increasing drastically, Homoeopathic medicines like Ars alb, Bryonia, Phosphorus, and many more prescribed on the Principles of Homoeopathy has helped not only rich but also poor sectors of the society. Political leaders, various private institutions and charitable organisations have come forth for the cause.

As said by our master Dr. Hahnemann,

Homoeopathy treats the man in the disease and not the disease.

Homoeopathy can easily treat covid cases with mild, moderate cases and even the severe cases in hands of experienced ones.  In many cases, more than disease, the fear of getting infected, panic struck people affecting their day-to-day life, increasing cases of depression, fright that remains even after getting well or after hospitalization has affected the mass.  Here homoeopathic remedies like Stram, Opium, etc have helped patients enormously.  Moreover, financial, economical issues faced by one and all have left families after families helpless. Not only the cost-effectiveness of homoeopathic treatment but quick recovery from illness is well known. The feeling of well being and cure is much faster, gentle and safe.

Homeopathy is a sweet pill therapy. It implies that it is safe, gentle, and natural system of healing that works with your body to relieve symptoms, restore itself, and improve your overall health. That’s it has HOLISTIC APPROACH TO HEALTH AND WELLNESS.

Major Benefits from Homeopathy are :

  • All aspects of an individual patient are considered.
  • Safe, easy to eat.
  • Sweet medicine for infants and children who run away from conventional bitter medicine.
  • Cheapest of all.
  • No side effects whatsoever if taken under guidance.
  • Low doses of natural products are used.
  • Helps treat Allergies and Asthma.
  • Can help reduce Anxiety and Depression.
  • Helps control of pain in terminal cases of cancer and autoimmune diseases.



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